Innovative Educator Project

This project is going to be my baby going forward. I have the foundation down: Twitter (including hashtag! #KCEdCollect), Facebook, and Sites pages. Once I put my full attention behind the project I think this will bring a lot of good to Kings County.

Watch this video to get a better idea of what the Kings County Educators’ Collective is all about.


I started this project when I came to the realization that I knew more 5th-grade teachers  from all parts of the world–thanks to conferences and Twitter, but only a handful in my own county. I know there is a lot of awesome happening in our county that I want to know about and learn from. We are all in this together for the benefit of our local youth. It seems that everything is scaled to a state or national conference with connections, and global with Twitter. We still need those local connections to benefit the youth we share our cities with.

I would like to get an annual EdCamp going in Kings County, and just some other meet-ups to benefit our teaching and as a result our students.

I have also created a template through Google Sites if you are an interested educator looking to get your local colleagues connected digitally as well.