Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom

I really enjoyed learning about different Web 2.0 tools. I was aware of most of them–but taking the time to visit, or revisit, was worth it.

One of my favorite takeaways was setting up an RSS feed called Feedly. I have been using it for the past few weeks. Instead of randomly checking websites for updates, I can click on my Feedly and it all pops up on one site. Now I can be certain I am not missing new posts from my favorite authors.

My biggest accomplishment, and my favorite assignment, was creating a lesson plan utilizing at least two web 2.0 tools.


Students had several steps to go through. They were given a problem they needed to solve. Then develop a plan to teach their own 5th-graders the ability to solve problems that were similar. They were to film their 3-5 minute using Educreations. They also needed to design a picture that would be helpful for their students as a visual aid.

Now, I have done similar assignments in the past. What made this lesson different is the second Web 2.0 tool I utilized: Kidblog. Students needed to upload their video and picture to their own blog. The final portion of the assignment asked students to write a 2-3 paragraph reflection on the entire process.

The lesson was an overwhelming success!



Different blog posts with header images




A student-uploaded video on their blog




A student-uploaded picture on their blog



A student comment


Kidblog is very easy to use. I was able to have my fast-finishers move and upload writing pieces we had completed earlier in the year to their blogs as well. This was easily done by embedding their Docs from Drive. Students are also keeping their blogs organized by tagging them with the appropriate subject.

My next step is to get parent invites set up so they can check their student’s progress and learning for the remainder of the year.

Not only did this lesson work on mathematical reasoning, but it also infused writing, technology, and digital citizenship.


Web 2.0 Blog Posts:

Bloggin’ with My 5th-Graders

950 Web 2.0 Tools 7.2 Wikis

950 Web 2.0 Tools 8.1 RSS Feeds

950 Web 2.0 Tools 9.2 Social Bookmarking

950 Web 2.0 Tools 10.2 Photo-Sharing

950 Web 2.0 Tools 11.2 Video and Audio

950 Web 2.0 Tools 12.2 More Cool Tools

950 Web 2.0 Tools 13.2 New Literacies and the Big Shifts