950 Web 2.0 Tools 9.2 Social Bookmarking

I am not on the Social Bookmarking choo-choo train. The act of pinning/saving/bookmarking different articles to a social website has not become a habit in my internet use. I think something basic like Diigo for my personal use could be helpful for those times that I say, “I read a really good article on….” and then when I go back to find it, it has disappeared into the far reaches of the world wide web.

I do see some benefits to Social Bookmarking in my 5th-grade classroom. I would love to curate websites for students to use on their research projects. At first glance, something like eduClipper, with its very visual interface, seemed appealing.



Here is my board….I think?

Unfortunately, eduClipper seems slow to load and it is not very intuitive. When I’m on the “Boards” tab it loads a bunch of users who I don’t know. If this is my student-view, then I don’t like the feature. I was hoping just to create a class board–I made a class–and students would be locked into our classroom area which I could populate with help links on content-specific boards. A board for Social Studies, Science, and maybe even some more links to extend on specific locations we read about during our class novels.

Here is how I picture it working in my class if I decide to develop this further:


“Okay- kids we are starting our research papers on an Explorer of your choice. On our eduClipper we have an Explorer board full of helpful articles on a variety of explorers. I would definitely use this has a place to start your research. Please feel free to add any articles that you found helpful as well.”

I’m not too sure eduClipper has the ability to do this–it might. I would definitely want it free from any clutter of other unknown peoples’ clips.

Social Bookmarking in this way definitely hits on the ISTE Student Standards–specifically Knowledge Constructor 3c: “Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.”