902 CUE Workshop: Final Reflective Blog

The three things that I found most transformational in my teaching were Google Docs, Google Maps, and GAFE.

Google Docs

My first win with Google Docs was learning how to include a Table of Contents into my Docs. This will help me keep all my PD notes organized and easier to find. It will also allow me to organize assignments better for my students. Instead of going from the top-down, students can pick and choose the order they want to complete the assignment in. Including some student choice is always a good thing.

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My next big win with Docs was learning about the almighty HyperDoc. I created a HyperDoc for my Wonder unit that I will start the first week of school with my 5th graders this upcoming school year. Here it is in all its HyperDoc glory: Wonder HyperDoc. I plan on getting my PD exclusively on HyperDocs either at my upcoming CUE Rock Star Camp in Mammoth in a few weeks, or next month with the creators themselves.

Google Maps

The possibility for Google Maps is endless. The ability to take my students to our historical locations we study about, or go on a literature trip from our shared read alouds would be awesome and so powerful for them.

Here is my Jamestown Map:

Google maps jamestown colony surrounded

If you click on the yellow icon you can pull up pictures, documents, and a video:

google map jamestown

We could also map the routes of the explorers, visit major Revolutionary battle sites, or even explore Auggie’s house from Wonder  in Northern Manhattan.


When exploring the Google Marketplace I learned about g(Math) for Forms. This is a potential game-changer in my classroom.  I will be able to transfer all of my math assessments (formative and summative) over to our class set of iPads. If I include Flubaroo in the mix, I’ve just saved massive amounts of time and have a powerful spreadsheet of my students’ data.

IEC Google+ Community

I’ve been making it a habit of checking our Google+ community daily. I have my phone setup to give a notification every time an article is posted–this helps me remember to check it. I feel I’ve been more of a consumer of knowledge than a sharer.

I did share an article on how times are changing in the classroom and that connecting your classroom with others across the world is as important as any other knowledge we wish to pass on to our students. Link to article is here.

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A few, of the many articles, that have pushed my thinking are one on using Google Forms for assessment (hello g(Math)!) and using Google Maps to tell stories.

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I’ve also used Google+ to try (poorly) to help my fellow cohort members who were stuck in a rut.

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Project Status

My project started out as creating a website to link like-minded, tech-savy, classrooms with one another as a sort of “digital pen-pal”. I had an idea about setting up a form, creating a Twitter tag, list of activities, and a blog sharing the stories of the various connections.

I’ve let the idea sit and bake in my head, discussed it with my wife, reflected on it while jogging and I’ve come up with a similar idea, but more local. My new idea is to develop a website/Twitter tag/Facebook group that connects Kings County educators. I’m playing with the name Kings County Ed Collaborative. I’ve been subbing and teaching in Kings County for seven years; I grew up here; I’ve set up my family here. Our total county population is 150,000, doing a Google search we have approximately 31,000 school age children in the county, or less than half of Fresno Unified School District (73,000 students).

I feel disconnected from other teachers in our county. I’ve made more connections with Tulare County teachers simply because their Office of Ed has really good professional development opportunities compared to ours. I want Kings County to have the same opportunities for growth and networking.

I think my first step is to establish a place to find each other and connect. I’ll create the website, Facebook group, and Twitter tag. All it is going to take is to find those other motivated educators locally and give them a place to link-up. I’m envisioning EdCamps, professional development opportunities, and maybe even placing a Google Certified Teacher on every campus in Kings County. I feel more motivated when I know my project could potentially have a huge benefit for our local children.

Elective Status

I am currently enrolled in TEC-978 Twitter for Educators. There are seven modules to complete, and I am finished with four. I will complete my Twitter Chat reflection tonight, and work on my other two modules over the next week. I’ve enjoyed my class so far, I’ve already done multiple Twitter chats and find the information and connections well-worth my time. I should be completed with my class no later than two weeks from today (Sunday, June 19th).  I then plan on enrolling in my second elective course for the certificate, Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom on Monday, June 20th.