901 Innovative Pedagogies 4.3 Game Creation

We have seven math units during our 5th grade year. The day before our final unit assessments I like to play a team Jeopardy game. The students love it. I always spruce it up with some Jeopardy music as a countdown timer, there is a points board, and I occasionally bust out a bad Alex Trebek impersonation.

I downloaded a PowerPoint Jeopardy template a long time ago and have modified it for my needs. Here it is converted to a Google Slide presentation– some functions are lost.

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Title Screen

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Introduces the different categories

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The board

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A question

I have my students already sitting in teams of 4 so this is the group they play with. I’ve modified the rules a bit: see this Google Doc for instructions. I am also going to try something different this year in how they show their work. We are transitioning from white boards and me explaining the student work, to using Formative and having the student/team explain their work while it is being projected using Air Play on our projector- it will take longer but the learning and student thinking will be much deeper.