900 Intro to IEC Reflection

I have started down the road toward being certificated as an Innovative Educator. I’ve already been asked to jump into technology that I have not used before and get the basics down. I am firm believer that the best way to learn is by actually doing the thing you want to know more about. The first step was to meet in a synchronous meeting using Blackboard Collaborate. There were approximately fifteen of us all viewing Mary’s computer screen. It was a live meet with audio and video technology being used. It was also my first tech fail. I could not get my microphone to work on my new headset. All was okay, I tinkered and clicked stuff and it worked its way out. That’s what I ask my kids to do sometimes- “start clicking stuff you probably won’t break it.”

The next step was to get acquainted with our Learning Management System (LMS) that we will be using for the duration of the certificate process, Moodle. It is pretty intuitive and seems to have more resources available than Google Classroom provides, such as a message board and an entire schedule linked so the student can go at their own pace. Moodle is different than Google Classroom, but I like what classroom can do for organizing my lessons and student work.

I’ve been asked to create an elective plan. I chose the Technology Tools strand to help me practice and harness the power of all the amazing tools available today. I’ve already started on my Twitter class and have read a lot on its impact on professional development. I have also been asked to think about a project idea that could potentially generate buzz in the education field- the grand salami of assignments. I’ve decided that I want to create a resource that will help link two teachers and classrooms together for a school year and provide for them ideas and links to classroom activities they can participate in together.

An awesome tool that I have discovered through the intro process is Diigo. I’ve already added the chrome extension on every account I use. I love the ability to highlight and take notes right on the website articles. I think this tool may surpass my Evernote addiction if I continue to play with it more. What is holding me back is that I have a lot of Evernote articles already saved and categorized.

What I think I have most enjoyed so far is getting to know my cohort through Google+. I have a professional Google+ account that’s been neglected for quite some time. I use Twitter as my main PLN device, with a couple of Facebook groups thrown-in. I never really saw the value in a Google+. The ability to have a community setup and to harness the power of Google tools is great. I have already seen great articles being shared, like when Sky Winnings posted an article on Google Slides: Slides Q&A. My students have various presentations utilizing Google Slides throughout the year and I can see this being a beneficial add to facilitate more engagement during the presentations. The innovative ideas being shared like utilizing Google Maps more, or setting up a digital learning day for parents and students. I believe motivation is contagious and being surrounded by it is truly awesome.

Derek Johnson posted a TED Talk by Simon Sinek that discusses how you can step-up and become a leader. I know my end-goal is to inspire change at my school-site. I want to share all these cool tools and ideas and hopefully ignite some that feel stuck in a rut. I believe this certificate program and my cohort are leading me down an exciting path. I am beyond ready to take on and explore what is to come.